Microsoft Analytics

SQL Server, Data Factory, Azure, Power BI, Kimball Data Warehouse

Redwing is a business intelligence consultancy based in Liverpool, delivering results throughout England and Wales. You get the benefit to your business via defined outcomes, delivered on time and on budget.

Who we work for

We deliver results to enterprises. We work with you to define the outcomes of our work; we agree the deliverables, the budget the timeframe, and then we deliver the results.

A crucial part of how we work is collaboration. We don’t deliver useful business intelligence to your enterprise by working alone. We will involve your people and validate the work in a staged manner throughout our engagement with you. Only in this way can we ensure that not only will the results meet your business needs, they’re also exactly as expected. No surprises. All work plans we submit for your approval reflect this approach.

Click the image to see the diagram larger.


The services we provide

Our role is from the source systems to the information consumer’s screens, and from the infrastructure to the board room. We’re equally comfortable running discovery workshops with board members of billion-pound enterprise as we are designing non-stop always-on database architectures for multiple data centres. We’ve created entire business intelligence programmes, trained the permanent staff, got the entire programme planned, up, and running, and finally hired our replacements to continue the good work. We also do point projects, such as a suite of Power BI reports or a SharePoint dashboard. We specify the deliverable, the budget and the timeframe. Our contracts are direct with you, the client, and they’re based on the Government-standard Digital Outcomes and Services contract. No surprises.

Who we are

Donna and Chris are the two co-directors of Redwing. With over thirty years’ experience each, Redwing covers the entire spectrum of Microsoft Business Intelligence. Frequent exhibitors and conference speakers, this picture was taken at an Acute Hospitals conference in London.

Donna is an acknowledged business intelligence guru; she often trains and mentors client staff, creates and implements solution architectures, and performs negotiations on behalf of Redwing clients. Her background includes psychology and artificial intelligence.

Chris is a data scientist and a wizard at information visualisation. She works directly and collaboratively with information consumers to delivery the data visualisations they need. Her background includes studies in mathematics and econometrics.

Redwing’s other staff has expertise ranging widely, from C# to Marketing.

How we work

We created Evolutionary Development Methodology® over twenty years ago, to help us deliver entire business intelligence programmes at the enterprise level.
EDM® is an agile methodology based on spirals within spirals, and depends on the following principles:


Each chunk of business value provided to the business builds upon previous work. Each outer spiral iteration adds new business value to the business.


In all respects, development work is agile, responsive, and step-by-step.


Work is driven by business needs and information consumer requirements; the business user plays a vital part of the development process.


Each inner spiral iteration adds value to the work being delivered.

All of Redwing’s work – no matter how large or how small – is based on these principles. EDM has been used successfully with numerous organisations. Click here to download a one page PDF: EDM in a nutshell

Click here for a case study of how we helped Cardiff University implement a business intelligence programme, using EDM.


Redwing Healthcare Analytics

Our cloud services help you perform better and save money®

We provide a range of cloud-based analytic services for Acute, Mental Health, and Community secondary healthcare, via the GOV.UK Digital Marketplace.
With these, NHS Trusts and other organisations can improve effectiveness and efficiency.
Redwing’s services are provided to the NHS through the new Government framework, G-Cloud.
G-Cloud is the way to buy services simply and efficiently.

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